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Installation / Licensing question (pre-sales)

I’ve been working with the following demo:

This works GREAT and we’re doing further research as far as installation and proper licensing. I am basically going through all our crystal reports and want to install this barcode with the following:

stringVar DataToEncode:= ("Chart#") + ({cw_patient_notes.PATID}) + chr(13) + ("DOS:") + ToText({billing_tx_history.date_of_service}) + chr(13) + ("Staff ID#") + ({billing_tx_history.PROVIDER_ID})+ chr(13) + PageNofM;
stringVar CompleteBarcodeString:="";
numberVar i:=0;
numberVar Segments:= IDAutomationQRCodeEncoderQRSet(DataToEncode,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 );
For i:=0 to Segments Do
CompleteBarcodeString := CompleteBarcodeString + IDAutomationQRCodeEncoderQRGet(i);

Once my template reports have the necessary barcode formula attached to them. I upload them to our vendor’s server via SFTP. Now, while I have The demo installed of the QR encoder on my machine and have the full licensed version of Crystal Reports, our clinicians use a free viewer to generate these reports.

We have anywhere from 120-180 clinicians who generate these reports via Business Objects – Crystal reports READER/VIEWER (Free version).

As a test, I sent this to a co-worker who only has the free reader version, and we found ourselves with the DLL error. My questions are

1. If the end result of the file resides on a server, will the server have to have this installed?
2. Or… does each clinician have to have the encoder installed on their local machine in order for this to be properly generated?
3. How many licenses will I have to get? If it’s over 100, do I have to get the developer license?

04-17-12     12.7 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

All machines will need to have the font and encoder installed on them.

Posted 12.5 year(s) ago

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I'm a little disappointed with how this was answered, I was hoping for a little more in regard to the installation scenario.

1. I'm virtually the only one modifying the template code, I'm not sure if that really qualifies me as a "developer".

2. My organization was under the impression that I was the only true user to install the code on the templates. unfortunately, it appears that your software has to run on the necessary DLL just to see the end result per machine, so that's why it's still a little unclear (please re-read my thread). We're hoping we don't have to install this for anyone who just wants to SEE the code on their report.

3. Users - As mentioned... I'm more of a user than a developer. once the code is placed on a few master templates, each clinician (roughly 120-180) will generate a new report. these reports are Medications, Progress notes, Labs, Assessments & Treatment Plans. When they visit with a client, they have their own report. Therefore, each clinician will be unable to modify the report (that's why I went on to elaborate on the crystal report viewer free version).


Posted 12.7 year(s) ago

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If you have over 100 users but less than 10,000 then this would require the 1 Developer License for the QR Code Font and Encoder Package, which is also known as our commercial license. I can help to determine your licensing needs if you can answer the following questions for me:

1) Will there be any developers working with the fonts? If so, how many?
2) How many computers, printers, and servers will the fonts be installed on? Please specify which and
how many...
3) How many total users do you expect, approximately?
4) Will the fonts be used in conjunction with a high-speed printer that prints over 55 pages per minute or
a system with a total value that exceeds $50,000 USD?

With this information, I can help to make the most appropriate determination in terms of which license will best suit your needs.

Posted 12.7 year(s) ago

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