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QR-Code Center Image Symbol Overlay Product Announcement

IDAutomation offers the Center Override patent-pending process that can generate symbols in the center of the QR Code symbols without the need to overlay an image on top of the already generated QR Code.

This process does not offer the detail and color of an image overlay. However, it is compatible with popular reporting software packages such as Crystal Reports, Microsoft Access, and SSRS that need to dynamically generate multiple barcodes and do not offer any easy implementation of an image overlay. The result is an implementation that works well with some types of images, such as the QR Bill Swiss Flag in the middle of the QR Code, a Swiss Payment standard.

09-10-19     5.5 year(s) ago    

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This update will be included in the 2020 QR-Code release updates, including the QR Code Font and Encoder. To obtain this update before the final release, (1) open a private support question, (2) include your order ID and (3) specify the exact component you need it for. Some components, such as compiled DLLs will take longer to provide, while others such as VBA for Excel or font encoders for Crystal Reports, can be provided within a few business days.

The following is a QR-Bill example with the Swiss Cross symbol added in the middle using VBA in Excel. The data in this symbol was used from page 37 of the Swiss Payment Standards 2018:
NOTE: The QR Bill must be sized to meet specifications of 46mm wide with the Swiss flag symbol at 7mm wide. Therefore, it may be necessary to change the point size of the font or if the center symbol needs to be smaller, increase the version of the symbol.

Posted 5.5 year(s) ago

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