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IDAutomation MICR Fonts and the CUPS Printing System

We are using RHEL 5.8 in the print server and using cups1.3.7 as the print spooler.

Can you please send me the installation and configuration guide for installing
Linux server. I`m considering procuring the product also. Can you please send
me the difference between a single-user and a 25-user license? My requirement is
to print a cheque from Oracle EBS r12.

Attaching the Font section in the ppd file from the print server.

*DefaultFont: Courier
*Font AvantGarde-Book: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM

*% End of "$Id: postscript.ppd,v 2000/08/24 19:23:13 goffioul Exp $".

Operating System: Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.8

Application: Oracle EBS r12

03-07-14     10.9 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

If you are going to be using the product within an Oracle environment, this will require a purchase of the 1 Developer License and above. This is due to the environment that the product is being used in.

Posted 10.9 year(s) ago

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IDAutomation MICR Fonts are treated like any other font in an operating system in the respect that they do not influence the setup of other components in an implementation. Meaning, the MICR fonts would not have any direct cause in the malfunctions being experienced.

With that said, the demo font does exclude certain characters but does not have any further limited functionality, as it is designed to be the presales testing product.

Posted 10.9 year(s) ago

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Thank you for your response. I have the following questions:

1. Do the trial versions have any page number limitations? After successfully installing and implementing the demo font, it suddenly stopped printing the MICR part. I was wondering if my configuration was to blame or if it had something to do with the demo MICR font. I got as far as three printouts before my setup stopped working.

2. We are not actually developing check-printing software as a part of the ERP solution. There will be one module in EBS, which will take care of the stationary check generation part. Do we still need a Developer’s License?

Posted 10.9 year(s) ago

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Based on the environment described in your post, you will need a Developer License or above. User Licenses are only for a stand-alone desktop/laptop computer and not for installations on Servers or Development environments such as Oracle.

Posted 10.9 year(s) ago

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While we do not directly support font installations on Linux or Unix systems, we have a knowledge base article (Font Installation on Unix and Other Systems) that might be helpful.

Additionally, there is also a tutorial about installing fonts in Oracle Reports.

I will have Sales reply with the answer to the licensing questions posed.

Posted 10.9 year(s) ago

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