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Some characters appear in place of barcode lines in windows 7, but is printing in windows vista

I am using crystal reports to generate barcodes using IDAutomation barcode fonts & UFL.
It was ok in Windows XP and Vista. But when I tried to print from Windows 7, the barcode is not printing correctly. Some characters appear along with the data.

I installed the barcode fonts & crystal reports UFL obtained from IDAutomation.
After installing the fonts, I noticed that in the Windows Fonts folder, I cannot see the IDAutomation Code 128 font, but only some others like IDAutomation Code 128XXL ...etc
While the above font is available on Vista computers after installing the barcode fonts.

Do I need to install anything more?

Operating System: window 7

12-11-12     12 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

Verify Code 128 encoding is used. If you are referring to the ! (exclamation points) as the encoded data, then verify that the encoding is not Code 39 since this symbology adds ! to the data. Code 128 encoded data should look noticeably different.

1. Verify that your report is using the Code 128 formula.
2. Test with hard-coded data such as "123456"
3. Apply the IDAutomationC128 barcode font to the encoded data and test scan. Based on 123456, the encoded data should be Í,BXLÎ.
4. Repeat the test on Windows 7.

Posted 12 year(s) ago

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Hi admin.
Thank you for your quick response.

As you requested, I have attached the image that shows the screenshots.

Note that, this sample is taken from the screen, but the same appears on the label when I print to the printer.


*** We used to print the report directly to the printer as any other report by using crystal reports.
*** OS version is Windows 7 Professional SP1.


Posted 12 year(s) ago

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Can you post a screenshot?

Based on the information provided, I believe you are seeing the encoded characters for Code 128.

If you are printing to PDF or embedding the font, ensure that the font is actually being embedded so that it can be viewed by Crystal Viewer. If not, you may see the encoded data instead of the barcode.

If you are printing the report directly or do not see the barcode on the screen, then ensure that you have the Code 128 Font Package installed. The package installs IDAutomationC128 (XS - XXL) fonts.

Posted 12 year(s) ago

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