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Resolved Questions

Issue Linking Label Software External Data to Access

I am not able to connect to the embedded data with label software.
Data is being displayed in the Linked window. However, there is no option to connect that data to the label.

I have data in Access File - mdb format, if you don't have the ability to read an Access File, I can convert the data in another format as well.

Operating System: Win 7

Application: Barcode Label Software

12-21-13     11.1 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

The example illustrates how to display a barcode using MS Access 2013 data linked to the IDAutomation Barcode Label Software 2013 through its External Data option.

NOTE: The post assumes that a database is already created and includes data.


1. Download and install the Demo or Sale version of the Barcode Label Software (to create 2D barcodes download the Barcode Label Software Pro).

2. Open the Label Software. Create a New Label and choose Next.

3. Select the printer and choose to design the label or select from a label stock. Choose Next.

4. Design the label by setting the rows, columns, and margins. Select OK.

5. Select and drag the barcode icon to the label.

6. Select Tools--Data Sets--Link External Data.

7. In the External Data dialog, select Access as the External Data Type. Next, select the Search button and choose the file. Then select the Source table and select the Link Data button. Finally, choose Close.

8. Select the barcode with a left click. Then right-click and choose Properties.

9. In the Barcode Properties select the Value tab. In the Value Type drop-down, select External DataSource. In the Table Name drop-down, select the table name.

In the Source Column option, set the field number that will become the barcode. For example, Source Column is set to 2. Therefore, the Color field will become the barcode.

Choose Apply and OK.

Posted 11.1 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (1)
What part of the linking process is causing the issue? Is it the External Data dialog screen?


Post a screenshot of the section that is causing problems.

How to Link External Data

Verify that you are using the most recent version of the Barcode Label Software released in 2013

Posted 11.1 year(s) ago

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