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Difficulty encoding long Base-64 Strings in QR Code SSRS

The data we need to get, by scanning the QR must follow particular rules. We use the below query to get what is needed to generate an invoice in QR Code encoded in Base-64:

-- convert to Base64
-- convert to HEX (byte array)
select (
convert(varbinary(1), 1) +
convert(varbinary(1), len('Tab Refractory Services Saudi Arabia Co.')) +
convert(varbinary(max), 'Tab Refractory Services Saudi Arabia Co.') +
convert(varbinary(1), 2) +
convert(varbinary(1), len('301330768400003')) +
convert(varbinary(max), '301330768400003') +
convert(varbinary(1), 3) +
convert(varbinary(1), len('2021-11-22T10:30:00Z')) +
convert(varbinary(max), '2021-11-22T10:30:00Z') +
convert(varbinary(1), 4) +
convert(varbinary(1), len('1000.00')) +
convert(varbinary(max), '1000.00') +
convert(varbinary(1), 5) +
convert(varbinary(1), len('150.00')) +
convert(varbinary(max), '150.00')
) as varbinary(max)) FOR XML PATH(''), BINARY BASE64

The result of the query is a long Base-64 string of data. But when I create the QR Code in SSRS it is not readable (tried iPhone as well as an online reader).
I played a bit and when I replaced Tab Refractory Services Saudi Arabia Co. with a shorter string, e.g. Tab Refractory Serv the code looked ok.
I was able to put the full-text string into an online QR code generator and it seemed to work so I think I am just missing something here with your software.
Is there some limitation I am not aware of or am I just missing something I should be doing?

Application: SSRS

12-07-21     3.3 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

IDAutomation has updated the SSRS QR Code Barcode Generators that resolve an issue where some barcodes containing large Base64 strings are difficult to scan and decode. To obtain the latest version, log in to your account and download the product again.

Additionally, the IDAutomation Barcode Decoder App scans, detects, and decodes Base64 values and converts these to text within the app. It is also available as an SDK for Xamarin for custom integration. An example of this decoding is in Symbol 5 of the Symbol Scan Examples.

Posted 3.3 year(s) ago

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Apologies I was out of town for a few days. Yes, this did seem to fix the issue. I appreciate the quick response.


Posted 3.2 year(s) ago

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