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UPC-A Font with TrueType Windows Font Package

Okay, I have the system working in Access and creating bar codes, but I do not see how to create a UPC-A type barcode with the two options I have selected.

The one I am trying to generate has longer bars on the first, middle, and last bars. I believe when I look it up, it is a UPC-A, but what I generate is only equal-sized bars with the 12 numbers below.

I also found later that I should add 2 zeros on the front end of my Database number but that still did not change anything.

So for my end result, I want a UPC-A barcode to print on my Microsoft Access 2010 Report. It is sourcing my database, just not getting the barcode to look like a UPC-A Code.

Thanks for any help.

Any thoughts?

06-03-12     12.5 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

Make sure that you are using UPCa and not UPCe.

Some tests that you can run:
1. Instead of applying the IDAutomationUPCEAN font, apply TimesNewRoman and then view the report in Report mode. What does the encoded data look like? It should be very similar to this attachment:


2. If it does not look similar to the data above, as another test, hard code your value using:


and see what the encoded data looks like.

Posted 12.4 year(s) ago

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Okay. Still not working. This is what I have set up.

I am trying to generate in Microsoft Access 2010 Report a UPC-a barcode in a report.

I am using Microsoft Access 2010.
I am using the VBA Tool, imported into Access.
I have bought and installed the TrueType for Windows Font.

The VBA appears loaded correctly.
The Fonts do show up as Font Selection.
I have formatted the Control Source as "=UPCa([Field])
It does Generate a barcode, but it does not look right at all.

So I have a UPC number that is 12 digits.
I have led it with two zeros and even taken away the zeros.
My understanding was, this needs to be 14 digits.
Example: 00855173003019

The formatting in Access of this field may be the issue:
I believe that your software says I should format the field in the table as a number. The only way I can get it to hold integrity with the leading zeros is as text.

Is there a way to set up formatting as a number in Access to hold the 14 digits "as is"?

Thank you,
Earl Stoddard
I would love to talk with someone about this. 248-505-3395.

Posted 12.5 year(s) ago

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For an intro on UPC/EAN fonts, please view:

Barcode fonts, unlike fonts such as Times New Roman or Arial, require special formatting so that the data, when the barcode font is applied, will be scannable. This is true of most barcode symbologies with the exception of Code 39 and a few others. Formatting the data can involve adding start and stop characters or a check digit to the data; manipulating the data so that it is interleaved to create a smaller barcode, or converted to alternate characters that the barcode font can understand.

There are many types of barcode tools that will format data for a barcode, some tools are more automated than others.

Here is an example of a font encoder/font tool:

We have over 30 different font tools free to use with our fonts and you should be able to use one of the ones located at depending on which application you are using.

UPC(A and E) requires its data to be encoded using a Font Encoder. In Access, we have the VBA Macros (free font tool) that will encode your data:

For a video on creating Barcodes in Access, please view:

The video explains how to generate Code 128. However, to generate UPCA or UPCE, you must type out the function for UPCA or UPCE using the functions list at:



Posted 12.5 year(s) ago

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