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Properly encoded and printed barcode font will not scan

Customer Question:


I am hoping you can help me. I am having an issue with scanning the printed barcodes that I generate in Filemaker. The barcode looks correct but it doesn't scan 100% of the time. I can print 5 tickets with the same barcode and maybe 2 scans then after trying to scan several times the others might scan. I'm adding the UPCA barcode to a ticket stock so I can only increase the font to size 12. Again, sometimes it works while most of the time it doesn't. Is there other troubleshooting I can try to help resolve this issue?

• The data is encoded with your font encoders.
• I have tried several valid point sizes.
• I have tried several printers.

Application: FileMaker

10-16-17     7.3 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

Thanks for this solution, Shannon!

Customer Solution:

I finally resolved this issue and wanted to let you know what the problem ended up being since you were so kind in helping me troubleshoot.

We use barcodes fonts on carton labels, issue pack stickers, and price tickets which are printed on 3 different printers. I've only had issues with scanning on tickets so it was weird that the same field printed just fine on 2 of the 3 types.

• I tried to print the ticket on white stock with no luck.

• Then I printed the ticket on the carton label, no luck.

• I made the font larger to 24, but no luck,

• I made the field line height larger and made sure all area of the barcode was visible while still trying it on white carton label stock. Still, no luck so I knew I was missing something.


I then started playing around with the printer setting in the printer dialog and saw there was a contrast setting buried deep inside as I had to open up a couple of advanced settings windows. Well, that did it! Once I increased the contrast setting it started scanning!

I tried my luck at shrinking it down to the 12 font size which prints in the ticket window, still scanned, then I added the UPC number field on the top of the barcode and it still scanned. Then I printed it on the ticket printer using the brown Hard Rock stock and it worked! So after all of that troubleshooting, it boiled down to a contrast issue. Once I sharpened the image, I was up and running! I just thought I would share so that if this comes up again for you then you might be able to offer this solution.

Thanks again for helping me with this.

Posted 7.3 year(s) ago

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