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The Universal Font Package is a product that contains a font named IDAutomationUni that allows you to generate several barcode types.
The package, when used with a font encoder, will enable you to generate Code 128, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5, Postnet, and Intelligent Mail.
Understanding Barcode Fonts:
Readable barcodes cannot be created by simply applying the font, it requires the data to first be encoded using a font encoder. The standard Code 128, Code 39, and other font packages use a standard encoder to format data. The formatted data may appear to look similar to a group of non-keyboard characters.
For example, if I wanted to create a barcode using the data, Hello World, I would need to pass it through the encoder. As a standard Code 128, the encoded data would be: ÌHelloÂWorldKÎ
If I wanted to use the Universal Font Package to generate a Code 128 barcode, I would need to use a universal encoder. Using the same data, Hello World, the encoded data using the universal font encoder would be: EBDGACAFDFADFADCMAEFFICECMABBMFADDBEAGIGIAH
Though the encoded data using the standard encoder and the universal encoder look different, when you apply the barcode (Code 128 font to the Code 128 encoded data and the Universal Font to the Universal Code 128 encoded data) to the data, they will generate the same barcode and produce Hello World in a scan.
If you need to generate a Code 128 barcode using the standard Code 128 fonts, you would have to encode your data and apply the IDAutomationC128 barcode font. If you wanted to generate a Code 39 barcode, you would have to encode the data and apply the IDAutomationC39 barcode font.
With the Universal Font Package, if you wanted to generate Code 128 or Code 39, you would encode the data for the barcode type that you want to create and simply apply the IDAutomation Uni barcode font.
NOTE: The Universal Font Package is great for users that do not have the US Western Language setting enabled.
Posted 12.6 year(s) ago