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How do I add a Data Matrix to a SSRS report via Report Builder 3.0

2019 Update: IDAutomation now offers the (SSRS Native Barcode Generator) with Data Matrix which stays embedded in the report and runs locally without any fonts, references or config files.

I am using the IDAutomationDMatrix font applied to a text field of an SSRS Report. I am creating the report with Report Builder 3.0 on the SQL Server that contains the database and the 'report'. When I run the report, the output for the text field has an array of black boxes, that is clearly not a correctly formed 2D barcode.

Is there a specific expression/formula that needs to be applied to the text box in SSRS (similar to the Crystal Reports formula) in order to correctly render the 2D barcode matrix?

The documentation provided at:
Gives no specific mention of formatting 2D barcodes in SSRS, as far as I can tell...

Thank you in advance for your help.

Application: SSRS / Report Builder 3.0

07-02-14     10.6 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

I believe I have answered my own question:
After much investigation - it appears that the rsssrvpolicy.config file in
Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVERReporting ServicesReportServer
was incorrectly installed/configured.

The XML that handles the idautomation CRI was incorrect. The XML tags and order were not correct.

Screenshot of a corrected copy of the XML (download or open in a new window):

I verified that the 2D barcode displays now.

Posted 10.6 year(s) ago

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Great- thank you for the update.

Posted 10.6 year(s) ago

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Thank you for the screenshot. It does not seem to be a spacing issue.

Please specify what font-encoder is being used to encode the data* before the barcode is applied and send or post an additional image of the field without the font being applied.

* A post to explain what is meant by 'encoding data before applying the font'

Posted 10.6 year(s) ago

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Here is a sample of what the output looks like...
It does not appear to be similar to your example of white line interruption. Sounds like a different issue than what your answer addresses.

Posted 10.6 year(s) ago

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What is being observed might be caused by the field's spacing, similar to what is seen on the White Lines Appear in a Stacked Barcode knowledgebase article. Although the article does not specifically address ReportBuilder, the idea is the same.

If this still does not resolve the issue, please post a clear barcode image (or email it to so that it may be analyzed.

Posted 10.6 year(s) ago

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