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What is the Dynamic Online Barcode Generator Subscription?

The Dynamic Barcode Generator Subscription product was recommended for printing barcodes over the web, but I am not sure how I could use it.

12-18-12     12.1 year(s) ago    

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IDAutomation provides several Web solutions that can be used. The Dynamic Generator Service is a barcode service hosted by IDAutomation.

We provide an example using several barcode types. This example simply shows how the barcode can be manipulated using the parameters. Though it is not a real-world example, it should give you an idea how it works. The barcode url hosted by us is embedded in an HTML page and uses some JavaScript to manipulate it.

I will provide a better, more usable example. The other day, I spoke to a customer that wanted to add a discount code as a barcode on her coupons for her website. She owns a popular dine-in restaurant and wanted to offer her customers that visited the Site a discount. She simply wanted to make the barcode but did not want the hassle of hosting the product on her own server. In her situation, she wanted to create a barcode based on a number that incremented each time a customer printed the barcode.

Example of a restaurant that offers an online coupon:

Sporting event ticket example:

Online grocery store example:

There are many other situations where barcodes can be used on the Web. For example:

Sending barcodes in an email or document.

Creating barcode coupons

Creating online reports that include barcodes such as Crystal, FileMaker, and Cognos.

Posted 12.1 year(s) ago

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