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Image generated bar code 128 with problems

Good morning, We have had a program for quite some time to generate a barcode image 128. The attached image is generated with the program.
The problem we have now is that there is a parenthesis that is being displayed with the barcode reader that should not be displayed. In the example, it is sent which sees (8020). When it is read by the code reader prints a character that should not go

4157709998010833? 8020000017548331? 390003226000? 9620130704

The reading should be this way:

41577099980108338020000017548331? 390 003 226 000? 9620130704

The program we are doing, called Creaima, does the following:


import com.genexus.ModelContext;
import com.idautomation.linear.BarCode;
import com.idautomation.linear.encoder.barCodeEncoder;

public class creaima
public creaima(int paramInt, ModelContext paramModelContext)

public void execute(String[] paramArrayOfString)
String str1 = null;
String str2 = null;
str1 = paramArrayOfString[0];
BarCode localBarCode1 = new BarCode();
localBarCode1.code = str1;
BarCode localBarCode2 = localBarCode1;
localBarCode1.barType = 17;
str2 = "/opt/tomcat/webapps/paw/ImgBrr/" + str1 + ".gif";
barCodeEncoder localbarCodeEncoder = new barCodeEncoder(localBarCode1, "GIF", str2);

The issue is whether you know how to program for such brackets not read with the reader. Additionally, we are generating an image it is a demo, and we have to acquire a source with you.

Being attentive to your comments and response,

Best regards,

Monica Herrera

Operating System: Linux

Application: Java web
Imagen Recibo
Photo Details
Title: Imagen Recibo
Otra imagen generada con el programa
Photo Details
Title: Otra imagen generada con el programa

07-17-13     11.4 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

Set ProcessTilde/ApplyTilde to True.

setProcessTilde(boolean pt)

Once set, you should be able to encode additional FNC characters by using the parentheses.

Posted 11.4 year(s) ago

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Thank you very much for your reply. I have not as sure that the property is enabled ApplyTilde. As I tell him I have a program in Java that was in the documentation that was found in 2006 and is the one used.

The Java program has the following lines of code:

com.genexus.ModelContext import;
com.idautomation.linear.BarCode import;
com.idautomation.linear.encoder.barCodeEncoder import;

public class creaima
public creaima (int paramInt, ModelContext paramModelContext)

public void execute (String [] paramArrayOfString)
String str1 = null;
String str2 = null;
str1 = paramArrayOfString [0];
BarCode BarCode localBarCode1 = new ();
localBarCode1.code = str1;
BarCode localBarCode2 = localBarCode1;
localBarCode1.barType = 17;
str2 = "/ opt / tomcat / webapps / paw / ImgBrr /" + str1 + ". gif";
barCodeEncoder localbarCodeEncoder = new barCodeEncoder (localBarCode1, "GIF", str2);

The way we set the bar code is:
& number1 = trim ('~ 2134157709998010833') + trim ('~ 2148020') + trim (& ref) + trim ('~ 2.1439 million') + trim (& ref2) + trim ('~ 21296') + trim (& FchCrc)

Where trim (& ref) is the number of reference systems, trim (& ref2) is the value to terminate, and trim (& FchCrc) is the payment deadline

java String variable 2 [/ ** /];
java variable2 = new String [1 / ** /];
java variable2 [0 / ** /] = [! & number1!];
java new creaima (remoteHandle, context). execute (variable2);

In this way, the bar is generated.

We may have something wrong in the way we set up the chain that sent the program to generate the barcode.
It is possible that you can guide us?

Thanks again,

Best regards,

Posted 11.4 year(s) ago

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What is the name of your company? When did you purchase the product? What is the order number?

Verify that the ApplyTilde property is enabled. This will display the parentheses in the human readable, but it will not appear in the scan.

Posted 11.4 year(s) ago

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Thanks for your reply,

Yes, We generate a GS1 standard barcode. The company that certifies indicates that if you need to visually see in brackets (8020). However, the 8020 title should be displayed in the bar if and only if there is more than one 8020. As it is the case we should not read the tilde identifies the parentheses in this position.
The program we are using was delivered in 2006. Neither do I have a number or registration Java version.

However, you can help thank indicating how to proceed or what to do to remedy this situation.

Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation and attention.

Best regards,

Posted 11.4 year(s) ago

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Are you attempting to generate a GS1 standard barcode? Verify that the remaining AIs actually require an FNC character encoded before it. If not, then you may not have to add the parentheses around the AIs.

If so, then you may have to enable ApplyTilde/Process Tilde and encode the data using the Tilde option for the version of the software that you have.

I was not able to find the order/order number. So, I am not sure what version of the Java Component version you have.

Posted 11.4 year(s) ago

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