Best Answer
Unlike fonts such as Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier New, barcode fonts require an extra step to ensure that the created barcode is scannable/usable. In order to create a scannable barcode, data must pass through something called a Font Encoder or font tool. The font tool will produce an output that may be in the form of start/stop characters, guard bars (for UPC and EAN), check digits, and encoded data. Start/Stop characters let the barcode scanner know when to begin and end a barcode scan. Check Digits ensure that the barcode is being properly created. Encoded data is data in a form that only barcode fonts can understand.
Imagine that you need to bake a cake for your cousin's birthday party.
You aka Barcode Creator
Think of the data as the cake mix, the font encoder or font tool as the spoon, bowl, and oven, and the barcode font as the icing for the cake.

The Tool or Font Encoder
The cake mix (or data) must be mixed and baked (or passed through the tool or font encoder) using the tools and oven.
Once the cake has baked, it is similar to the encoded data. The last step to making a great cake is applying the icing (or barcode font).
Encoded Data

Scannable Barcode
This is basically how barcode fonts are used. The data is passed to an encoder tool, the data is encoded, and the barcode font is applied.
What is the purpose of a Font Encoder
IDAutomation provides many FREE TOOLS that will allow you to encode data in several applications and environments including Excel, Crystal Reports, Access, FileMaker, Visual Studio, and Java.
If you are encoding your data with a font tool/font encoder and the barcode still does not scan, check the Reasons a Barcode Font will not scan.
In order to create a valid Code 39 barcode, a font tool/encoder is not necessary as the asterisks (parentheses, exclamation points) can be placed at both ends of the data. For example:
2D Barcode Fonts include Encoders:
Data Matrix Font and Encoder
QR Code Font and Encoder
PDF417 Font and Encoder
Aztec Font and Encoder
Maxicode Font and Encoder
Posted 12.3 year(s) ago