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Print parenthesis using 128 font in Crystal report

I have the ApplyTilde enabled in the formula and have tried with and without ~202 in front of the data and it has not printed the parentheses. What am I missing?

Operating System: Windows Server 2012

Application: Crystal Reports

06-09-23     1.7 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

Hello Steve,

Thank you for the additional information. The parentheses surrounding the AI information are not designed to be scanned from within the barcode. Parentheses are only intended to be viewed in the human-readable under the barcode for application identifiers so it is normal when scanning the completed barcode not to see the parentheses for those AIs.

Looking at your string of data, I am assuming the parentheses you wish to see in the scan are for the (10) but in this barcode type for GS1-128, that is a function to identify the next AI in the string. You can add the HR field under the barcode to show the parentheses in human-readable if you like, but they will not scan as a parentheses character.

Edit: If you wish to have scannable parentheses characters that do not identify an AI, you can encode them by using the ASCII chart located here: ASCII Chart and ~XXX where X represents the location of the character you wish to print. The left parentheses character is ~040 and the right parentheses character is ~041.

Posted 1.7 year(s) ago

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You are most welcome! Keep the link for the ASCII chart handy as you can use that to encode other characters as long as you have "Apply Tilde" activated.

Posted 1.7 year(s) ago

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The ~040 worked. After all this, I asked the customer if their customer really wanted the parenthesis in the barcode and their quality department said "no". Nevertheless, I learned something that might come in handy later. thanks

Posted 1.7 year(s) ago

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This is the link to how I added the font to the crystal report. It says to just copy and paste it from the sample report.
Here is the data to encode statement
Dim DataToEncode As String
'Change "DataToEncode" to the data source; for example:
'DataToEncode = ({Table.Field})
DataToEncode = "~202"&{@StockCodeGUID}&"(10)SB"&right({?Pm-Command.Job},6)

Dim ApplyTilde As Boolean
Dim ReturnType As Number
'The process tilde functionality
ApplyTilde = True

1) On the Crystal Report v9 and higher.rpt supplied by the download I chose the first font, Formula field for 128 auto (recommended)
2) I only downloaded what was in the ordered package and copied the font from the above .rpt to my report
3) yes
4) no
5) see above
6) see attachment
7) see above

Posted 1.7 year(s) ago

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Unfortunately, not enough information has been provided for us to assist you with this issue. I would need the answers to a number of questions which you can answer here or email to us via our Contact US page.

1) Are you attempting to generate a GS1-128 barcode? If so, what is the specification for GS1 you are attempting to meet?
2) Did you perform a Font Formula installation to Crystal Reports via this tutorial? Barcode Font Encoder Formulas for Crystal Reports
3) Are you talking about having the parentheses characters be scannable inside the barcode?
4) Are you talking about the human-readable data underneath the barcode?
5) Please provide an example of the data that you are encoding in your barcode
6) Please provide an example of the barcode that is generated from that data
7) Please elaborate as to where you are expecting to see the parentheses characters or provide screenshots of where you are expecting parentheses characters but are not seeing them.

With more information, we will be able to assist you further.

Posted 1.7 year(s) ago

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