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GS1-128 FNC1 characters scanning as 0

I am trying to produce a GS1-128 barcode for the Intelligent Mail Packing Barcode required by the USPS. I am using the IdAutomationC128M font. The barcode is scanning, but FNC1 characters are scanning as 0. I'm trying to resolve this but am not clear on a couple of things. Are both FNC1 codes supposed to be included in the mod103 calculation? Are both supposed to be included in the pairing? I've read some places that indicate the second FNC1 character should be an ASCII 29 (or a GS separator). Thank you

Operating System: Windows 7

Application: HP Exstream Dialogue

07-23-13     11.4 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

IDAutomation fonts are designed to be encoded with the encoders provided (troubleshooting custom code is outside the scope of the Statement of Support).

IDAutomation has available free VB encoders you may use to encode the fonts properly. These encoders handle FNC1s and have either an Apply Tilde or Process Tilde option in the function that will recognize the Parentheses or Tilde Methods. Please refer to the above link's Visual Basic Barcode Font Module Integration table for the function definitions.

When generating GS1 symbols, IDAutomation recommends testing the result with the Barcode Decoder App which parses out GS1 data to verify proper encoding.

Posted 11.4 year(s) ago

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I will investigate the free VB encoders. Thank you for your help.

Posted 11.4 year(s) ago

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We're currently trying 2 different means of encoding to try to get something to work. The results of both we're applying the IDautomation font to.
1) First we started out using our high-volume document composition software, HP Exstream, which has a built-in module for encoding barcode data. This produced the scan with the FNC1 values as zero.
2) Secondly I'm now trying to bypass the use of the HP Exstream encoding routine, and trying to write my own routine in something similar to VB script....but so far that approach is yielding not being able to scan anything as I don't understand if the FNC1 is to be included in the mod103 calc or not, or in the pairing.
The below test module was one of the variations of encoding that I was trying, but it didn't work.
string tempBar
string start
string end
string AI3
string AI2
string FNCCode
integer CheckDigit
integer current
integer I
integer total
integer msgid
start = x'CD'
end = x'CE'

FNCCode = x'CA'
total = 0
//creating MOD103
integer n
integer j
integer pos
integer temp2
integer temp
integer position
integer field1
integer pair
integer remainder
string CheckSum
string BarCode
string BarCode1
string BarCode2
BarCode1 = '42023453'
BarCode2 = '92612901093110000000370282'
BarCode = BarCode1 & BarCode2
n = Len(BarCode)
pos = 2

//start total to include start (unweighted) and FNCCode weighted, so pos starts at 2 above (first //FNCCode)
total = 105 + 102
For j = 1 To n Step 2
//separate into pairs, taking the value of the substring of pairs, with subset C, Chart Value equals the //pair
pair = Val(Mid(BarCode, j, 2))
total = total + (pair * pos)
//increment position so next multiplication times new position
pos = pos + 1

field1 = Int(total / 103)
remainder = total - (field1 * 103)
CheckSum = Int(remainder)

integer k
string pairSet
string totalSet
String BarCodeSet
BarCodeSet = BarCode1

For k = 1 To len(BarCodeSet) Step 2
//separate into pairs, taking the value of the substring of pairs, with subset C, Chart Value equals the pair
pairSet = Label_MOD103 (Val(Mid(BarCodeSet, k, 2)) + 1)
totalSet = totalSet & pairSet

integer s
string pairSet2
string totalSet2
String BarCodeSet2
BarCodeSet2 = BarCode2 & CheckSum

//s stars at 7 which is the first position following the 2nd occurrence of the FNCCode
For s = 7 To len(BarCodeSet2) Step 2
//separate into pairs, taking value of the substring of pairs, with subset C, Chart Value equals the pair
pairSet2 = Label_MOD103 (Val(Mid(BarCodeSet2, s, 2)) + 1)
totalSet2 = totalSet2 & pairSet2

//final barcode
value = start & FNCCode & totalSet & FNCCode & totalSet2 & end

Posted 11.4 year(s) ago

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How are you encoding the data before applying the font if you are not using an IDAutomation software/encoder?

Posted 11.4 year(s) ago

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Please note that I'm not using IDAutomation software, just IDAutomation fonts. Do I still need to use a tilde anyway? I was trying to use Ê but that doesn't seem to work thus far.

Posted 11.4 year(s) ago

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The FNC1 is automatically handled by our software/encoder when the Parentheses or Tilde Methods are used in the data.

It is important to note that Apply Tilde or Process Tilde must be activated in the software/encoder to use the Parentheses or Tilde Methods in the data so a proper GS1 barcode will be formed.

Here is an example of an IMpb Barcode:

For specifications from the USPS, please view the IMpb document.

Posted 11.4 year(s) ago

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