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Having trouble creating a 128 barcode in crystal reports v14

Hi team,

So I have been tasked with creating a new label for our company with crystal reports. I am a complete novice here but a colleague has managed to get to a certain point with it and I'm lost as to how to proceed.

At the moment I have one formula:
IDAutomationCode128b ("*"&{GRN.GRN_No}&"*")

Which is supposed to convert goods in numbers into a barcode (it has letters and numbers).

When I input a number the barcode just comes up blank. I have to supply my label if required, I've no idea what the issue is. IDAutomation fonts are installed in Crystal and the PC/.
Can provide screenshots where required.

Many thanks,

Operating System: Windows 7 64bit

Application: Crystal Reports

07-22-16     8.5 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

Hi Ben,

I can confirm I am using the IDAutomation UFL to encode. I'm not getting any errors, but when I put in data, then check preview or print a physical copy, the barcodes are all invisible.

EDIT: Ben, So I tested whether the barcodes worked at all. Instead of pulling the GRN number from the DB, I manually input the text "Testdata" and tried it and it did work. So maybe the communication with the DB is the issue? Any idea what it may be?

EDIT2: So I am discovering what is going wrong, I only have one issue, how to make data into a string, I am trying the following:

IDAutomationCode128 ({GRN.Qty_Received}, true)
Dim DataToEncode As String
DataToEncode = ({GRN.Qty_Received})

But I must be doing something wrong here.

FINAL EDIT: Solved :) thanks

Posted 8.5 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (2)
Hi Ben,

I have no idea what I am using, sorry it's all new to me. I know I have tried using IDAutomationCode128b, IDAutomationCode128c, and IDAutomationCode128a to try and get it working but to no avail. When I right-click a field and select "change to barcode" it doesn't show the IDAutomation 128 options in the list. I am worried that they aren't installed properly. Is there a way I can check if they are? They seem to appear in C:WindowsFonts and appear in the list in Crystal but something isn't working.

Where is IDAutomation.DataMatrix.dll supposed to be on the system?

Posted 8.5 year(s) ago

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Based on the information, I'd still like to confirm that you are using the IDAutomation UFL to encode data for Code 128 B.

Is there a specific reason that you are adding the asterisks at the beginning and end of your field? If it is part of the data, then that is fine. However, if it is designed for the start/stop character, then encoding the asterisks will encode as part of the data. This is because Code 128 does not use asterisks as start/stop characters; the function applies its own set of characters.

As a test, set the IDAutomationCode128b function to IDAutomationCode128b("abcdefg") and let me know if you see the encoded data or barcode.

Posted 8.5 year(s) ago

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