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How to adjust PDF417 column width or X:Y ratio in Crystal?

My employer recently purchased the PDF417 barcode package for adding the barcodes to a Crystal Report used by a customer. We were using the Native Font formula but switched to the UFL since the barcodes being generated were smaller. The customer is having problems getting their scanners to read the barcodes. Uploaded are customer examples which have 10 columns, and examples for the same data and number of columns created by the UFL for 2 IDAutomation fonts (images taken from Crystal viewer so outer sections of barcodes are incomplete). The customer has mentioned that the X: Y ratio needs to be 1:1, even though standards mention 1:3 or 1:2 minimum. I've tried all of the 2D/PDF417 true-type fonts provided in the package, none can create a barcode that has columns as wide and short as the customer wants. Is there a way to get a barcode like the customer's example using the IDAutomation Crystal solution?

*This is the second posting of this question. The first one would not save uploaded images.

Operating System: Windows 10

Application: Crystal Reports

05-20-20     4.8 year(s) ago    

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If you can tell me what standard or specification is requiring the 1:1 X:Y ratio that could really help. I believe the specification states that 2:1 should be the minimum so no fonts were ever created for 1:1. However, if you have a UDL (Unlimited Developer License) for the product and active support we can create one for you. It seems to me like it would be more practical to use a 2D matrix font such as QR Code or Data Matrix.

As for the size, set your columns to 10 instead of 8 and set the error correction to 2. Use text compaction if possible instead of binary. This may better match your customer's barcode.

Also, I could not find your order number in our system. I searched for your email address also I could not find anything.

Posted 4.8 year(s) ago

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Was able to get the customer to sign off on a barcode meeting the normal standard of 1:3, instead of wanting to keep the 1:1 their legacy system was creating. Thank you.

Posted 4.8 year(s) ago

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