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Issues to generate GS1-128 barcode


I bought to IDAutomation the product "Native Barcode Generator for Crystal Reports" to generate barcodes in CR using the standard GS1-128 (EAN-128), but the barcode generated with "Native Barcode" contains additional bars that not permit the barcode was recognized by the billing application (please view attachment).

To generate the following GS1-128 barcode:


is used the following encoding:

Ê+ 415+ 7709998004405+ Ê+ 8020+ 13560581 + Ê+ 3900+ 0000023730 + Ê+ 96 + 20131210

I appreciate the help you can give me.

Operating System: Windows 7

Application: Crystal Reports 14

03-07-14     10.8 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

When generating GS1 symbols, IDAutomation recommends testing the result with the Barcode Decoder App which parses out GS1 data to verify proper encoding.

Using a cross-section of the image sent in, the barcode scanned perfectly with an image scanner:


Try generating an image using the test value of ~2148100712345~21342012345678. The issue has to do with length, not that there are minute lines that make up the bar width when drawn (which is how the Native product works to form the barcode).

Posted 10.8 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (8)
While IDAutomation does not provide GS1 validation services (validating the use of specific AIs for a specific industry's use), a previous post shows that GS1 data is properly encoded into the barcode:

By using the data provided, I have encoded a barcode that forms correctly and is scannable:


Barcode produced:

Decodes properly as:

The problem in this case is the data length. To decode the above barcode, an (undisclosable 3rd party) image scanner had to be used, since it was too wide to read for the physical scanners on hand.

Physical scanners have a maximum width for the laser/sensor input. Not all barcode scanners are the same; some lack the ability to scan all types and sizes of barcodes. Some scanners have a narrow reading width and cannot read long barcodes, while others cannot read small barcodes. Refer to your scanner manual for details.

Posted 10.8 year(s) ago

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Hello James:

I do not doubt that the barcode is scanned perfectly, but my main interest is that the image of the barcode is according to the standard GS1-128 because the barcode must be read from the application of banks.

Could you confirm if the barcode image generated with IDAutomation (sent to email) is according to the standard GS1-128?


Posted 10.8 year(s) ago

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Email sent to support.


Posted 10.8 year(s) ago

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Posted 10.8 year(s) ago

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Hello James:

The solution you give me (tilde method) does not work, also generates a wrong barcode. In the previous post, I gave a visual example of the codes generated with the method.


DataToEncode="~2134157709998004405~214802013560581~21439000000023730~2129620131210 "


Posted 10.8 year(s) ago

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By using the data provided, I have encoded a barcode that forms correctly and is scannable:


Barcode produced:

Decodes properly as:

The problem in this case is the data length. To decode the above barcode, an (undisclosable 3rd party) image scanner had to be used, since it was too wide to read for the physical scanners on hand.

Physical scanners have a maximum width for the laser/sensor input. Not all barcode scanners are the same; some lack the ability to scan all types and sizes of barcodes. Some scanners have a narrow reading width and cannot read long barcodes, while others cannot read small barcodes. Refer to your scanner manual for details.

Posted 10.8 year(s) ago

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Already was changed the encoding for use tilde method, but it is generating a barcode equal to that generated with the "Direct ASCII Method". The barcode generated with the tilde method also contains additional bars that do not permit the barcode to be recognized by the billing application (please view the attachment generated with the tilde method).

To generate the following GS1-128 barcode:


is used the following encoding with the tilde method:

DataToEncode="~2134157709998004405~214802013560581~21439000000023730~2129620131210 "


Posted 10.8 year(s) ago

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The main cause of the unwanted results is that the Direct ASCII Method of encoding the GS1 data is not being properly used.

IDAutomation does not recommend this method outside of the United States and Europe, as this relies on the 1250 ISO Latin 1 character set. Instead, we highly recommend using the Tilde Method. To provide assistance, examples for both methods will be given.

In this example, we will hard-coding (static data) the following fictitious data (8100)712345(420)12345678:

Direct ASCII Method:
DataToEncode = "Ê8100712345Õ42012345678"

Resulting properly encoded GS1-128 barcode:

Which properly decodes as ]C1 for the FNC1 and <GS> for the FNC (a special "function" character that is used to tell the scanner when one Application Identifier ends and the other one starts):


Tilde Method (with Apply Tilde enabled):
DataToEncode = "~2148100712345~21342012345678"

Resulting properly encoded GS1-128 barcode:

Which properly decodes as ]C1 for the FNC1 and <GS> for the FNC (a special "function" character that is used to tell the scanner when one Application Identifier ends and the other one starts):


Posted 10.8 year(s) ago

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