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no more zero display in my datamatrix

First, I used the demo software, then I bought a licensed version of IDAutomation_DataMatrixFontEncoder. I was unable to remove the DEMO word when reading the DataMatrix. Even with the DEMO word, the DM encapsulates my first 40 spaces. Now I was able to generate a DM without the word DEMO (after removing, rebooting, removing Crystal Reports 2016, and reinstalling, but my first 40 spaces à the start of the string to encode are not in the generated DM.
I'm using the font IDAutomation2D XLS (I've tried some others with the same issue)

Operating System: W10

Application: Crystal Reports 2016

05-18-20     4.8 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer


Verify the recycle bin has been emptied. Also, create a brand new Crystal Reports file. I have seen Crystal hold on to previous versions of products/barcodes. One time I was working with a user that updated data from 12345 to 77775 but the barcode scan still read as 12345. When the user created a new file and added the barcode, the barcode was correctly scanned. While your situation is not exactly the same, it could be a caching problem with Crystal Reports. You may also join our Live chat by selecting the red and white chat icon on the right side of the IDAutomation pages.

Posted 4.8 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (15)
In Crystal Reports the "DEMO " is from the UFL files. In the purchased version there is no DEMO. Also if you use the Native Crystal Formula from the purchased version there will not be a demo.

Posted 4.8 year(s) ago

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Point 1 - Done
Point 2 - Done
Point 3 - Done
Point 4 - Done

Just can you tell me how this "DEMO" String is managed -Are you handling the DEMO software (I can read in this forum, I'm not the only one to get problems uninstalling) Please provide a complete, accurate, simple way to uninstall the DEMO version. I don't think all authors have Windows file system issues. Just a point of view, I don't have any trouble with your personal...

Posted 4.8 year(s) ago

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Can you try this:

Log in as an administrator and uninstall any IDAutomation software.

Search for and delete every file containing the "idautomation" in the Windows folder, using this syntax *idautomation*.*


Install the purchased product.

Posted 4.8 year(s) ago

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I don't have any folder named like that... because I already uninstall my licensed software. I'm just saying that something remains on my system even using the uninstall function

Posted 4.8 year(s) ago

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When you uninstall be sure you are uninstalling from a user with administrative rights.
Second, go to Control Panel - Programs and Features and select " Data Matrix Font and Encoder DEMO" from the list and choose Uninstall.
If that does not work, run the unins000.exe file located in this folder:
Program Files (x86) Data Matrix Font and Encoder DEMO

If all of that cannot uninstall the demo there must be something else wrong with the PC having the issues such as a file system issue, corrupt .NET Framework, corrupt Windows files, or something else.

Posted 4.8 year(s) ago

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The installation works on other computers, but without installing demo software before, just a fresh, clean installation. the problem occurs only on the PC I installed the DEMO software previously. Another question, do you have a datamatrix reader on Android that you want to promote ?? If you're using TeamViewer, you can have access to my PC

Posted 4.8 year(s) ago

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We have never had this problem before. Did you purchase the product recently, and were you able to download it from our shopping cart?

If you can try another computer and if it works on the other computer we will put together a manual removal process for the demo version.

Posted 4.8 year(s) ago

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Step 1: I uninstall
Step 2: I delete all files in the temporary folder
Step 3: I reboot
Step 4: I log again
Step 5: I reOpen Crystal Reports 2016
Step 6: I Open your file
And the UFL is still there, all associated function for DataMatrix remains known in Crystal Reports, and the IDAutomation font is still there


Posted 4.8 year(s) ago

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That is strange. Delete all the demo software from your computer and then please log in to the store and download the purchased version again.

Posted 4.8 year(s) ago

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already done it at least 10 times...

Posted 4.8 year(s) ago

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If that demo is appearing it means you need to completely uninstall the demo version. Then install the purchased version and reboot.

Posted 4.8 year(s) ago

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Arg, DEMO is back

498010500195940033000160 22230033919197007460380534975706 3557

Posted 4.8 year(s) ago

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I was able to encode the data with 40 spaces at the beginning. I have attached the report here.

Posted 4.8 year(s) ago

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I've tried your suggestion, but that doesn't change anything. Yhe sring to encode is
" 498010500195940033000160 22230033919197007460380534975706 3557" with 40 spaces at the start (mandatory) without the quotes

Posted 4.8 year(s) ago

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Luc, are you trying to encode spaces " " as the first part of the data, or are you saying the first 40 characters are not encoding? Either way, try setting the encoding mode to Byte and if this does not solve the issue, comment here with the data you are trying to encode so we can try to reproduce the issue.

Posted 4.8 year(s) ago

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