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How to convert one field in QR code to regular string?

We're using ID Automations QR Code template in Crystal Reports 2013, I'm having an issue with how the QR returns one of the data fields. The field is numeric, but formatted for no comma dividers or decimals. The scan of that field in the QR code come back formatted like a regular number.

Serial Number in human text on label: 15144789
Serial number when scanned from QR: 15,144,789.00

I'm looking to verify how to code this correctly. Each of the items listed must be displayed in the order listed when the scan the code. Here's what I have currently.

DataToEncode = {Job.Part_Number} & "~d013" & {@Serial Number} & "~d013" & {@Quantity String} & "~d013" & {@PO String} & "~d013" & {@Serial Number}

My problem field is {@Serial Number}. I'd like to have that display as a string instead of an integer, but I'm not sure how to use the "Dim DataToEncode as String" feature.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Operating System: Windows Server 2019

Application: Crystal Reports 2013

02-19-25     39 day(s) ago    

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Let us know if the article settings resolve the issue for you and if ToText or cStr work to remove the characters being added by the DB settings.

Posted 39 day(s) ago

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Thank you. I really appreciate the insight. I'll troubleshoot in Crystal.

Posted 39 day(s) ago

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Others that have had this issue had to take the actions in the linked article I provided to remove the thousands separators from the DB fields and in this case you would also uncheck the box for a decimal separator to remove the .00 after the number. These additions to the data are coming from the database settings in Crystal Reports and therefore ToText or cStr may not work because these commands tell Crystal Reports to display what is being pulled from the database as a text string. If the commas and .00 are being added to the database itself by Crystal Reports settings, ToText or cStr will still display those characters as part of the text string. There is a video in the link to the article showing where these items must be checked or unchecked in this case to remove them from the data fields.

The barcode encoder can only take the data that is sent to it and display it in the barcode, it cannot add or remove data independently which is why these items need to be addressed in the database.

Posted 39 day(s) ago

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Thanks for the reply and suggestion. What has me confused is that the field is formatted as text within Crystal. All my format options are text related. I'll try those conversion suggestions and see if they make a difference.

Posted 39 day(s) ago

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This issue with commas appearing in numeric results is an issue for Crystal Reports and not for the barcode software or encoding process. Each field has to be set in Crystal Reports not to display numerical results with commas. I recommend that you review this article: How to remove the comma from crystal report string and integer field and try totext(number) or cstr(number) to convert the number field to a string.

If you are still experiencing issues, then reach out to SAP for further assistance in formatting the data to be passed to the encoder.

Posted 39 day(s) ago

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