How to stream a barcode image in Excel
We developed a useful way to stream a barcode image from the Dynamic Barcode Generator Subscription (live online demo) to Excel.
• Excel cannot truly put the picture in the cell, but this VBA code adjusts the cells to the image object's height.
• The user must delete the pictures manually.
• The user must reset the row height and width to the new data height/width.
• The images are placed directly in the column to the right of the data.
• Feel free to use this code in any way and make any modifications.
To add/change barcode parameters/properties, modify the parameters variable.
To modify the range of cells, change the a2:a10 to a single cell, a different range (a12:a22), or specific cells (a2,a4,a12).
To Implement in Excel:
1. Except for the current worksheet, close all other worksheets (very important).
2. From the standard worksheet view, enter the Visual Basic Editor (VBE):
• Windows Instructions
• Mac Instructions
3. In the VBE's left-hand panel, choose VBAProject(CurrentWorksheet).
4. From the Excel menu, choose Insert, then Module. A new Modules folder will show, with a new Module underneath (which may be renamed).
5. In the new Module's white space on the right-hand side, copy and paste the below VBA code.
6. From the Excel menu, choose File, Save. If prompted, save the worksheet as an Excel macro-enabled workbook (which has the XLSM extension). If this step is not performed, the VBA will not be retained in the workbook, due to Excel security settings.
7. Once the above step has been performed, close the VBE window:
• Modify the range of cells.
• On the Developer tab, under Visual Basic, choose Macros, and run IDABCGen.
VBA Macro:
Sub IDABCGen() Dim cell, parameters, shp As Shape, target As Range Set KeyCells = ActiveSheet.Range("a2:a10") ' range with names parameters = "I = JPEG" 'add extra parameters here (it is suggested to keep I = JPEG) For Each cell In KeyCells If cell <> "" Then myurl = "http://www.bcgen.com/demo/linear-dbgs.aspx?" & parameters & "&D=" & cell filenam = myurl ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(filenam).Select Set shp = Selection.ShapeRange.Item(1) With shp .LockAspectRatio = msoFalse '.Width = 50 'Adjust width (by trial and error) '.Height = 50 'Adjust width (by trial and error) .Cut End With Cells(cell.Row, cell.Column + 1).PasteSpecial End If 'Adjust the rows next to the image objects For Each Picture In ActiveSheet.DrawingObjects PictureTop = Picture.Top PictureLeft = Picture.Left PictureHeight = Picture.Height PictureWidth = Picture.Width For N = 2 To 256 If Columns(N).Left > PictureLeft Then PictureColumn = N - 1 Exit For End If Next N For N = 2 To 65536 If Rows(N).Top > PictureTop Then PictureRow = N - 1 Exit For End If Next N Rows(PictureRow).RowHeight = PictureHeight Columns(PictureColumn).ColumnWidth = PictureWidth * (54.29 / 288) Picture.Top = Cells(PictureRow, PictureColumn).Top Picture.Left = Cells(PictureRow, PictureColumn).Left Next Picture Next End Sub
Operating System:
Windows, Mac
Windows Excel (2003+), Mac Excel (2004 and 2011+)
01-20-15 10 year(s) ago
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