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CR2020 Barcode UFL function is missing error

After upgrading to CR 2020 the 32-bit Crystal UFL Functions are no longer working. We receive the error UFL "u25idautomation.dll' that implements this function is missing"

07-18-22     2.7 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

You should not have to replace any of the fonts if they are dated 2003 or later. Instead of using the UFL, you could create Report Custom Functions and give these the same function name as the UFL. These stay embedded in the report. This would be the procedure you could try:
1. Uninstall the UFL.
2. Search for the UFL and if found in any Windows or System folders, delete it.
3. Create a new VB function as a Report Custom Function.
4. Name the function the same as the UFL formula.

This is how you would create the function for Code 128:

Function IDAutomationCode128 (DataToEncode as String) as String
'Paste the function here
'At the end of the function, replace Formula= with IDAutomationCode128=
End Function

After that, In the Crystal Report, call the function just like you would the UFL, for Example:
IDAutomationCode128 ( {Table1.DataField1} )

If the UFL must be used, refer to the Crystal Reports UFL Errors and Solutions incident.

Posted 2.7 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (6)
About your other part of the question, any fonts prior to 2003 may have different sizes so you would have to size the new fonts to match if you replaced them. If the old fonts are working you can still use them. The formulas in the product have not been updated in a long time because they are simple and need no changes. The last update was in 2014.

Posted 2.7 year(s) ago

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That is correct that you would need to copy the formulas into each report but it would be the best method moving forward. We do have a 64-bit UFL you could use but the formulas may be different and there are many problems you could encounter using UFLs. Additionally, UFLs may not work the same way in future versions of Crystal. If you do want to try the 32/64 bit UFL, it is available here:

Posted 2.7 year(s) ago

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Hi Brant,

We don't use SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository, so this idea won't help:

We use Crystal Reports in a generic way. We have several ERP programs, and each of them with over 500 reports. Our customers (1000+) have their own environment (servers/network), sometimes with restricted internet access
Another idea?

BTW the older UPCEAN* fonts are all dated from January 7th, 2002. Are they still supported?

Posted 2.7 year(s) ago

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I found the time to analyze the problems.
So far, hereby my resumé. We use the following packages:
- UPC EAN Font Advantage Package
with 4 TTF-Fonts: UPCEAN6 Regular, UPCEANm Regular, UPCEANs Regular, UPCEANt Regular (from 2002)
- Barcode Font UFL
with U2lcom.dll und CRUFLIDAutomation.dll (from 2002)
which are now deprecated.
- Code 128 Font Adv Package
with 6 Fonts: IDAutomationC128*.ttf (from 2005)
- Crystal Reports UFL
with U25IDAutomation.dll (from 2011)
which is also deprecated now.
- We purchased Level 2 Support with to get updated fonts. UPC EAN Font Package version 2020
with new fonts IDAutomationUPCEAN* (from 2020)

We have several (100+) reports which use the font UPCEANm with UFL CRUFLIDAutomation (IDAutomationFontEncoderEAN8, - EAN13, -UPCe). We have other reports that use Code 128, font = IDAutomationC128M with UFL U25IDAutomation (IDAutomation_Code128).

As my last package download (2020) comes with new fonts (the old ones are not updated), I would have to replace all EAN fonts (UPCEANm -> IDAutomationUPCEANM). Right?

Without using the UFLs the formulas would become oversized (we have formulas where there is a test on EAN8, 13, and UPC - currently 3 different UFL-calls). I think, even if your UFLs are obsolete, delivering a new 64-bit UFL would be nevertheless the best option.

For me, your Website isn't always clear to find out, what's the best way to keep things running. What is the rule of thumb as you understand now our whole "story"?


Posted 2.7 year(s) ago

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Simply put, you can use the legacy UFL, however, you would have to use older versions of Windows and Crystal Reports for that to work.
The Font Formulas are superior to the UFL.

Posted 2.7 year(s) ago

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I only want to recap the whole thread to see if I understand everything and that I don't miss something....

Posted 2.7 year(s) ago

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