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Crystal Product Guide

We absolutely love how many variations IDAutomation has when it comes to Crystal Reports.

Could you clarify the options available and to which variety of Crystal Reports (Designer, .Net Redistributable, and Server) each is recommended?

Operating System: Windows

Application: Crystal Reports Varieties

11-18-14     10.2 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

There are many barcode-producing products available from IDAutomation for Crystal Reports:
1. Native Barcode Generator for Crystal Reports

Crystal Report Varieties Supported (32 and 64-bit):
· Designer
· .Net Redistributable
· Server

· Implementation Tutorial
· Patented technology which allows the barcode to travel with the report, across Crystal Reports varieties as an embedded object in the report itself.
· Printer resolution (in dots per inch): 300 DPI (minimum), 600 DPI, and above (recommended).


2. Dynamic Barcode Streamers* (see each individual product for barcode symbologies supported and implementation specifics)

Crystal Report Varieties Supported (32 and 64-bit):
· Designer
· .Net Redistributable
· Server

· Implementation Tutorial
· Given network access is available (intranet or internet), allows fully-formed barcode images to be streamed directly to all varieties of Crystal Reports by use of a highly-customizable URL parameters.
· The component-based streamers support both 1D and 2D barcode types, including DataMatrix, QR-Code, and PDF417.
· There are no fonts or encoders to install on individual machines. The URL reference is located in the report itself.
· Printer resolution (in dots per inch): 203 DPI and above.

*IDAutomation Dynamic Barcode Streaming Products (component-based):
· Dynamic Barcode Generator Subscription (hosted by IDAutomation)
· Java Barcode Servlet (hosted by your company)
· Streaming Barcode Server for IIS (hosted by your company)

*IDAutomation Dynamic Barcode Streaming Products (script-based):
· ASP Barcode Generator Script (hosted by your company)
· ASPX Barcode Generator Script (hosted by your company)
· PHP Barcode Generator Script (hosted by your company)


3. Crystal Reports Linear UFL

Crystal Report Varieties Supported (32 and 64-bit):
· Designer
· .Net Redistributable
· Server*

· Implementation Tutorial
· Combines Linear, Intelligent Mail, Universal Font, and DataBar symbologies as a single binary font-encoder.
· Includes an installer that detects which .NET version is installed and if the machine is either 32 or 64-bit, and then installs accordingly.
· Each machine using the report must have barcode font and UFL installed to view barcodes correctly.
· Printer resolution (in dots per inch): 203 DPI and above.

*Server-based setups vary (see your IT department or server-specific documentation for implementation-specifics). In the case the report will be viewed/used from the server itself, make sure the IDAutomation Barcode Font and UFL is installed on the server itself. In the case where the report is stored on a server, but viewed/used on individual machines, each machine viewing/using that report must have the barcode font and UFL installed.

Crystal Reports 2D UFL (each 2D barcode UFL is supplied with specific 2D Barcode Font Package)

Crystal Report Varieties Supported (32 bit only):
· Designer
· .Net Redistributable (compiled as x86 only, not as 'Any CPU')

· Allows for quick rendering of 2D barcode types (including QR-Code) as a binary font encoder.
· Each machine using the report must have barcode font and UFL installed to view barcodes correctly.
· Printer resolution (in dots per inch): 203 DPI and above.


4. Crystal Reports Font Formulas (1D and 2D (QR-Code not available) provided with provided with respective Barcode Font Advantage Package)

Crystal Report Varieties Supported (32 and 64-bit):
· Designer
· .Net Redistributable
· Server*

· Implementation Tutorial
· Allows the barcode font-encoding to travel with the report, across Crystal Reports varieties as an embedded script in the report itself.
· Printer resolution (in dots per inch): 203 DPI and above.

*Server-based setups vary. In the case the report will be viewed/used from the server itself, make sure the IDAutomation Barcode Font is installed on the server itself. In the case where the report is stored on a server, but viewed/used on individual machines, each machine viewing/using that report must have the barcode font installed.

Posted 10.2 year(s) ago

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