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I2of5 - 2 Different values result in same InDesign barcode

I have a problem where 2 different values give the same value when the barcode is scanned. The values are: 311001415806 & 311001415863
When I put these numbers in Excel in column A, and put: =I2of5(A1) and =I2of5(A1) in column B. The outcome is this:
311001415806 "Ë@+""J['Ì"
311001415863 "Ë@+""J[`Ì"
Save the data file, load it to InDesign, and add the barcode font to it. When I check the barcodes by scanning them, both barcodes give the value: 311001415863
How is it possible, and can it happen to more values?

Operating System: Windows 10

Application: Indeisgn, Excel

12-15-21     3.2 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

In this incident, the customer could not reproduce the issue in Excel alone and the problem had something to do with the use of the data within InDesign. We suspect another application or process is substituting the characters ` and ' as some applications can do:
The number that ends in 806 has an: '
The number that ends in 863 has an: `

The solution in this situation would be to use the Universal Font Package because it uses only standard characters that other applications do not normally convert.


We fully support our barcode generation products in Excel. However, we do not support HP Smart Stream Designer or InDesign because those applications are not products created by us. If the issue can be reproduced in Excel, we can find a solution.

Posted 3.2 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (4)
I just tried a different method with HP smart stream designer for indesign.
There's also a built-in option to generate barcodes with IDAutomation.

If you make a text field, and use the ID automation option to generate a barcode, just with the number, (not the encoded values) it also creates the wrong barcode with these 2 numbers. Other numbers go well.

I will upload the XML they use.
Is this also under your support, or do I have to go to HP support?

(I also tested it in Excel, and the outcome there was good)

Posted 3.2 year(s) ago

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The encoded values are not the same. See the attached image:

Posted 3.2 year(s) ago

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We need the barcodes without human readable, the separate text field is to show the barcode contains a different value.
If I use the IDAutomationHI25XS font it still shows the wrong number / same problem.

the encoding is not the same data as there is a different character between the character [ and Ì.
The number that ends in 806 has an: '
The number that ends in 863 has an: `

The problem still is, that 311001415806 does generate a different number as output as requested, which means there are double barcodes in circulation.
And how do we know if this hasn't happened a lot more? (We produced 320.000 unique barcodes this way)

I tried to upload a zip file, but it does not work.

Posted 3.2 year(s) ago

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From the information provided, you seem to be using the Interleaved 2 of 5 Font with the Excel VBA encoder. It also appears that the barcodes are encoding the same data and the human readable information is a separate field that is showing different data. I recommend using the HR version of the font, such as IDAutomationHI25XS. This will show the data that is in the barcode without the separate field.

If this does not solve the issue, place the XLSM file in a separate ZIP file and upload it to the question. The file cannot be read unless it is in a ZIP file.

Posted 3.2 year(s) ago

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