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Importing the IDAutomation VBA for QR-Code.bas into the Personal Workbook

I am currently testing the demo QR-Code Barcode Font and Encoder Software. When I use the QR-Code VBA Font Encoder in Excel, it works perfectly.

When I try to use the same code in my PERSONAL.XLSB workbook (so I can use it in every Excel spreadsheet), I get the #NAME error.

Can you explain this?

Operating System: Windows

Application: Microsoft Excel

08-31-16     8.4 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

Note: The VBA code relies on the reference to an installed DLL (which is installed with the IDAutomation font package).

After much research*, it seems that the PERSONAL.XLSB workbook cannot retain the reference to the DLL that is necessary for the code to function.

For this reason, we recommend attaching the VBA to individual Excel workbooks (and saving them as XLSM’s) as the instructions state.

* Support Note: There may be any number of reasons why Excel behaves this way, which is outside the scope of IDAutomation support. It is suggested that users search Microsoft’s knowledgebase for more information.

Posted 8.4 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (3)
Although we do not have a specific example for this, if you will be using the Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO), you may be able to use the .Net Assembly* (which is a .Net font encoder) in the project.

*The QR Code Barcode Font Package download contains the QR .Net Assembly in the \Integration\Dotnet Font Encoder Assembly\ folder.

Posted 8.4 year(s) ago

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Thanks, James, for confirming there is an issue and that it wasn't something I was doing wrong :) Excel can be quirky at times.

Thank you, Ben, I will look at that video and see if that will work for us.

I am looking for a solution that will encode 2D strings into Excel spreadsheets so we can perform a mail merge to Word, where we will be applying a true type font. I think that type of solution may be the best route for us because it will allow us an easy way to generate labels with 2D barcodes using a manual method and we can still automate as needed using Word and Excel automation via programs written in C#.

Posted 8.4 year(s) ago

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We also have the Excel Barcode Generator that can produce QR Code barcodes (without referencing a dll).

Here is an example of how it works (the example uses a 1D barcode):

Posted 8.4 year(s) ago

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