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IMB Container Barcode with Access VBA

I am trying to use the CODE 128 font in Access to produce an IMB Container Barcode.
The VBA module does not include a specific GS1-128 function, but the instructions seem to indicate to use the Code128 function with the apply tilde set to true. I have tried this and the barcode will not come out to USPS specifications. The post office has rejected them and I can't get it to match what is coming out of our other canned software program.
I am trying to encode a barcode like this: (99)M107293000000029583.
Which function should I use in the VBA for the Access module to produce the GS1-128 barcode?

Operating System: Windows XP

Application: MS Access97

01-29-15     9.9 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

I agree, the Auto Encoding solution in the VBA module is more efficient and is technically correct. Unfortunately, the post office has an issue with it and my task is to duplicate the barcode from the other software.
I have made a new Access function that uses the Start B character and adds a Chr(202) as the FNC1 in front of my barcode value and it seems to match up with my target barcode, bar-for-bar. I have sent it in for them to approve. Hopefully, that is the end.
Your responses and your Code 128 FAQ were a great help, thanks.

Posted 9.9 year(s) ago

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Correct. This is why IDAutomation has made a solution that is more efficient (and follows the specification)-- it uses Auto encoding which is a subset that switches between Code A, B, and C. The solution uses a start C, then switches to B. Technically, the solution is not incorrect. However, it looks as if the USPS locations that you are using did not take into account the Auto encoding which our component does.

Posted 9.9 year(s) ago

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In the document you linked to, section 3.3.1 states:
"Only subsets B and C are permitted for this application. "
"Note: Subset C allows for more efficient encoding of numeric values (i.e. can shorten the
overall barcode length) than Subset B; however, Subset C does not support encodation of alpha
characters. Subset B allows for the encoding of numeric values and also supports the encoding of
both “upper” and “lower” case alpha characters. Special shift characters must be used to toggle
between subsets."

Because my barcode value includes an alpha character, shouldn't the VBA module either use subset B or use Start C and toggle into subset B to encode the alpha character?,

Posted 9.9 year(s) ago

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GS1-128 is a standard of the Code 128 symbology. Therefore, technically any scanner that can scan GS1-128 should be able to scan Code 128. However, I am not going to rule out some special settings. IDAutomation bases its encoders and components on the IM Container Code by the USPS which uses a Start C. Based on this specification, the barcode created with our product is correct. If there is a new specification, that requires a Start B (the start character in your previous Container barcode), please send it to us: Contact Us

Posted 9.9 year(s) ago

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The Post Office can scan if they use a scanner calibrated for CODE 128, but not if they use a scanner that only reads GS1-128. The smaller post offices can only read GS1-128 and are rejecting our barcodes.
It's not the size, it's the bar structure.
Here's a rejected code from the Access report:

Here's a good code from our other software program:

Posted 9.9 year(s) ago

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1. Can you provide information about why the Code 128 barcode is rejected?
2. Can you attach a screenshot to the post?
3. When you mention the barcode does not match, is it the size or the bar structure?

I will need a bit more information to provide a possible solution to the problem.


Posted 9.9 year(s) ago

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